Chris & Larena Johnston
In the spring of 2012, we sold everything we owned to come to Galway Ireland to work with struggling youth. We've done this because the suicide rates in Ireland are alarmingly high, & there is a hopelessness here that many of the youth face, compounded by a prevalent alcohol issue. Since arriving, we've seen the effects of drug abuse, STD's, fear of unplanned pregnancies, & many more sad stories.
In the summer of 2013, we began working to build up the local church, Galway Christian Fellowship. We began volunteering & serving in every capacity we could, both to the congregation and to the community. The needs are plenty, but the workers are few.
At GCF, we were given the opportunity for several years to build and lead an extraordinary youth group. With weekly services and discipleship, we built up leaders and empowered the youth to reach their hurting peers in Galway!
At the beginning of 2022, we started looking for a space in City Center, to begin serving the city in a bigger way. In June of 2022, we signed a lease on a space in the center of Galway City! From this space, we will be recruiting and training people to serve the city via already existing charities, with a focus on the poor, the disenfranchised, and the suicidal. It is through this work that we will see the love of Jesus Christ tangibly touch the lives of people in Galway. This type of ministry will produce personal growth in all those involved. We are so excited about this season, as we move forward with great hope and anticipation to make a positive impact on those in Galway city, one person at a time!
Check out the Galway Church Plant, using the link below, and see how you can be a part of this exciting venture!
Our Journey...

Our main focus is to plant a church in Galway, Ireland. Our heart & passion is to be the hands & feet of Jesus to this nation. We have also started serving on a national level with churches around Ireland for annual conferences to build up and encourage others in their walk with Christ in Ireland.
If you would like more information, please sign up for our newsletters

Would you like to partner with us in this work? We believe in the power of prayer, and we value everyone who regularly prays for us and our mission. We have many prayer needs, but would you specifically pray for our protection, for God's leading, and pray that God would use us in a mighty way.
If you've made a commitment to pray for us and our mission, please click here and let us know!

One of the biggest challenges here in Ireland, is that missionaries come & go, mainly due to finances. Would you consider partnering with us, helping us continue this important work here? We couldn't do this without you!
We would appreciate your support in these efforts! There is no gift too big or small.
Click Here to donate.