About Us
Galway City Center Church

Our Dream
In 2020, God called us to take a step of faith and begin a process towards a Galway City Center Church plant. We started a church plant shadowing process, did much research, and began preparations to find a space we could utilize for a grassroots church plant effort. In June 2022, we secured a space in the heart of Galway City. We put out the needs we had, and many faithful believers stepped up. The entire space was able to be furnished and equipped thanks to generous donations! In Feb 2023, we started our "pre-launch" phase, officially beginning ministry, while continuing to set up the administrative side of the church. We began small groups, hosted dinners, created discipleship classes, developed a kids ministry, began evangelization efforts, and started a Sunday morning church service! Over the course of our first 6 months, we have seen 3 salvations, we've baptized 7 in Galway Bay, and have grown to a small group of regular attenders, each person stepping up and filling a role that is helping grow the church!
We have just begun our "soft launch" phase, which includes advertising to the public, with signage, social media, and word of mouth. It is an exciting time, and we're so thankful for the generous partners who have come alongside us. Stay tuned for the next steps, as we work towards a full official launch of Living Hope Church Galway!

Please check out the video above and use the share button to help us spread the word!
Financial Partnerships 2025
15 for $1,000 campaign ($85/mo.)
We are looking for churches and individuals who would be willing to partner with us with annual or monthly commitments. Please Contact Us if you'd like to help us cover the running costs!

Itemized Running Costs
Below is a breakdown of the current running costs of the church (converted from euro to dollar). If you would like to cover one or more of the items, please click the donate button below and leave us a note to tell us which one you are donating towards. Thank you for your generosity!